First of all, big thanks to Nicole from The Adventures of Lil Nicki for nominating me for the Liebster Award.
As a part of the nomination, I have to answer a set of travel questions asked by Nicole.
1) Where are you from?
Tel Aviv, Israel.
2) What is the weirdest food you’ve tried while traveling?
I guess I’m so not experimental when it comes to food because I’ve never eaten anything too weird.
3) Where are you going next, and why?
London. I’m moving to England to get my Masters degree in international relations from the University of Birmingham and stopping in London on the way for a couple of days.
4) Where is your favorite place in the world to be and why?
By the sea. I just love looking at the waves crashing onto the shore.

5) What country that you haven’t been to yet has the biggest draw for you, why do you want to go?
There are many places I would like to visit. However, if I have to choose one destination I would say Australia because of its natural beauty. Australia is also located so far away which I think makes it more appealing to me.
6) Where did you make the best friends on your travels?
I met so many nice people during my travels. I made some really good friends during my one-month trip to Mexico, we are still in touch to this day. While living in France I made a friend which I traveled with all over Europe. Also, in Cyprus I became really good friends with a British girl which I later went to visit in London.
7) What’s you weirdest/craziest travel story?
Amsterdam is definitely the place where so many crazy things happened. This one time me and my friend were followed by a weird man from the coffee shop to a pizza place, and later to our hotel. Needless to say, we freaked out and asked the hotel security not to let him in. In Munich, I attended a local festival beer, everyone were drinking at least 2 liters of beer and the atmosphere was absolutely crazy.

8) Do you prefer roughing it, or traveling luxuriously?
I totally prefer luxury but unfortunately it’s not something I can always afford. On a positive note, whenever you stay in a hostel you almost always meet fun young people and I love making new friends.
9) What is one of your biggest accomplishments so far?
I would say that my education and knowledge is my biggest accomplishment. I’m about to start my Masters degree which I’m really proud of. I also speak 3 languages and learning my 4th.
10) Who has influenced you and pushed you to travel?
No one has ever pushed me to travel. It was my choice. In fact, many of my trips happened simply because the opportunity was there. For instance, two of my friends decided to go to Stockholm for a weekend and asked me if I would join and of course I couldn’t say no to the opportunity. Also, while in Mexico, I met people who were going to the islands around Playa del Carmen and spontaneously decided to join them.

11) What made you start blogging?
I wanted to document my journey, my lifestyle, and my outfit choices. But most importantly, I want to inspire other people to follow a life path that will make them happy. Many people tell me how lucky I am to be traveling and living abroad. I want to show them that they decide how to live their lives, and they can do it too. If there’s a wish, there’s a way.
Thank you Nicole for the nomination.
Here are my nominations:
Charles and Megan from Inspiring Charlie
Alex from Gin and Giraffes
Heesun and Sharon from Mewanttravel
My questions for you are:
- Where are you from and where do you currently live?
- How often do you travel?
- Why did you start the blog? Is it your full-time job?
- Do you prefer beach or mountain vacation?
- Who is your biggest inspiration?
- Craziest travel story?
- Favorite city for shopping?
- What city/country would you want to live in and why?
- What is your best advice for looking stylish while traveling?
- Do you prefer solo traveling or with people?
- What’s your ideal day-trip?
To stay updated:
Lovely post! <3
Useful post, thanks for sharing! 🙂
good answers! Australia is high up on my list too 🙂
Congrats on your nomination, lovely post.
Beautiful and interesting post! Thanks for sharing 🙂
xx Elle – Swedish Model and Lifestyle/Travel blogger in TOKYO
nice interview!
Good luck in London!